Tuesday, February 11, 2025
The suicide epidemic in the military and veteran community is beyond question. The question that needs answering is, why do veterans and service members continue to sink in a sea of mental heath resources?
From a 40,000 foot view, the answer is simple – seeking help usually means hacking through a dense jungle of red tape with a dull, rusty, CIF-issued machete while reacting to bureaucratic ambushes at every turn. When the one seeking help — now reduced from an individual with human needs to a case number — finally gets approved, they face wait times that can span half a year. Some of them don’t make it that long.
“Telemynd is a comprehensive mental health solution that matches people with behavioral health specialists who are uniquely qualified to support them.”
No predetermined maximum sessions per calendar year
No referral or authorization required for TRICARE Prime active duty family members or retirees.
100% virtual sessions conducted via secure video
Telemynd was borne of the idea that military service members and their families deserve high quality mental health care that should be accessible from anywhere at any time. They’ve built a sprawling national network of therapists and prescribers providing mental health services that are covered by TRICARE.
Appointments with providers are virtual and conducted via secure video chat so that service members and their families can get the care they need regardless of where they are located or their ability to travel.
Not sniping at the VA here, but a lot of vets don’t have the time or stability to wait months for 60 minutes to open up on a VA counselor’s calendar. If we did, then the VA wouldn’t have to dedicate their resources to tracking and investigating what have been dubbed “parking lot suicides“.
Well, now veterans don’t have to wait that long. Any veteran who asks the VA for a referral to Telemynd will get one. Wait times for a mental health provider within the Telemynd network are as short as two weeks.
Look, I know it can seem bleak for us sometimes. And I know that despite the seemingly infinite number of resources thrown at us, nothing ever seems to work the way it’s supposed to. But Telemynd is our apex line through the hellish terrain we have to navigate to get the help we need. So take that line.